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乱世奸雄曹操11(1 / 2)

long ago in a, there was a clever and brave man named cao cao. he lived during a time called the three kingdoms period when the try was divided into three parts.


as a young boy, he loved to read books and learn about history. he dreamed of being a great leader.


when he became a man, cao cao joihe army. he was so good at fighting and making plans that he quickly became an important officer.


cao cao worked for the han dynasty's emperor. he wao help the emper peace to a, which was full of fights and troubles.


there was a big rebellion led by people wearing yellow headbands, called the yellow turban rebellion. cao cao fought against these rebels and won, which made him famous.


cao cao fought many wars against other powerful leaders. he was usually the winner because he was a brilliant general.


cao cao took trol of a land called wei. he made wei very strong and safe. people started calling him 'king of wei.'


one of the biggest battles cao cao fought was the battle of red cliffs. he fought against two other strong leaders but did not win this time. it was a huge battle with many ships on a river!


even though cao ever called himself emperor, he was like a real emperor, an“emperor in all but name”. he ruled his lands well, wrote laws, and made sure people had food and homes. 虽然曹操从来没有称帝,但他就像一个真正的皇帝,一个“无冕之皇”。他统治着自己的土地,制定法律,确保人们有食物和住房。

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