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齐桓公霸主之位的缔造者:管仲19(1 / 2)

whenever we mention“very good and helpful friend who truly knows you“ and“wise and capable prime minister“, many people think of guan zhong, the man who tributed the three phrases:“friendship between guan and bao“,“respeg the king and suppressing the barbarians“, and“using the name of the king to and other lords“.


today, let's learn about this cool guy. he er smart advisor and diplomat who lived a long time ago.


friendship between guang zhong and bao shuya


guang zhong and bao shuya were good friends sihey were young. bao shuya admired guang zhong's talents and uood him well.


they once did busiogether, and when distributing profits, guang zhong always took a little more. but bao shuya, knowing that guang zhong's family oor, never accused him of being greedy.


despite some mishaps when guang zhong tried to help bao shuya, bao shuya hought he was inpetent, as he uood that things don't always go smoothly.


guang zhong was removed from office three times, but bao shuya didn't think he lacked ability, as he believed guang zhong hadn't entered someone reciated his talents.


when guang zhong fled from battle three times, bao shuya didn't believe he was cowardly, knowing guang zhong had elderly family members to support.


bao shuya's deep uanding of guang zhong led him to remark,“my parents gave me life, but it is bao shuya who truly knows me.“


bao shuya's strong reendation in front of duke huan helped guan zhong achieve success. guan zhong was inally an enemy of duke huan. acc to on sense, duke huan should have killed him. but duke huan was a magnanimous person. after listening to bao shuya's words, he not only fave guan zhong but also ointed him as the prime minister, allowing him to mahe try's politics.


guan zhong came up with clever ideas to make the kingdom better. he introduced fair laws, helped improve the ey, and promoted education. thanks to his reforms, the kingdom became stronger and more prosperous.

管仲想出了一些聪明的主意来改善这个国家。他引入了公平的法律,帮助改善了经济,并促进了教育。由于他的改革,王国变得更加强大和繁荣。 guan zhong was not only smart but also a great diplomat. he proposed some very wise strategies, such as“respeg the king and suppressing the barbarians“and“using the name of the king to and other lords“. he knew how to build alliances with other states aiate peace. state qi became the stro and most prosperous state of that era. finally, duke huan respectfully called guan zhong“a person like his own father“. this is the highest honor for a minister.

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