
小说首页 > 玄幻奇幻 > 魔王与魔王的JQ史 >第288章288(1 / 2)
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第288章288(1 / 2)




Free will, what a wonderful word. We once all had the expectation to find freedom in this corrupt heaven.

How many of you want to prove that you are worth something when they say you’re not?

How many of you want to do the things you love when they say you can’t?

How many of you deserved your glory but they gave someone else the praise?

How many of you want people to see who you really are, not to judge you by the color of your hair and the color of your skin; especially it was god himself gave you the look they despite?

How many of you want to have fair and justice in heaven?

How many of you want to have someone to love and someone who loved you?

How many of you had to abandon your child or had to stand by the side to see your child be killed and couldn’t do anything to stop?

Now it is the time to change.

It is the time to fight. To fight for ourselves; to fight for our love ones; to fight for the child we will love and cherish,;and to fight for the freedom we want.

We will have the freedom in our hand! We will be free to love, be free to live, be free to express ourselves, and be free to be ourselves!

Give me your loyalty, and I will bring your the freedom your deserve!

Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.

Rise up, we should fight until we win, or at least die trying.

第219章 堕天之战:路西法回忆录4

路西法回忆录 §1227 堕天











萨麦尔带著大批人马守在了生命树之园,毕竟,那棵树是除了神之塔以外天界最为重要的力量之源,更何况,萨麦尔必须在米迦勒进入第四重天之前将他拦截,这样,我才有足够的时间完成我的任务。 而我的任务是──

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