
小说首页 > 都市言情 > 我在非洲当酋长 >第1709章 秀翻全场1705(1 / 2)
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第1709章 秀翻全场1705(1 / 2)

“too good,too good be the true。(美好的都已经不真实)”</p>

“i met a girl called kari,no,not the indian food。(我遇到一个叫嘉丽的女孩,不,不是那个印度食物)。”</p>

“let me show you something.(让我给你展示一段)”</p>

“thiy i do.(我只有在遇到特定的人才这么做)”</p>

“i been around the world.(我周游了世界)”</p>

“theres not a gril like you.(但是从来没有遇到你这样的女孩) ”</p>

“you know you got the sweetest smile。(你知道你拥有最甜美的微笑)”</p>

“every time you talk,you make the sweetest sound(只要你开口就是最甜美的声音)”</p>

“i got me mesmerized going round and round。(我被你迷住转来转去)”</p>

“every single second letke it count。(我珍惜一起的每一秒)”</p>

“girl i am not tryna be slick(女孩,不是我想对你耍把戏)”</p>

“i hand you my heart i be playing no trick(我把我的心给你没有任何诡计)”</p>

“i wanna be the watch on your wrist(我想成为你手腕上的表)”</p>

“i wanna give a little kiss on your lips(我想在你的嘴唇上留下一个吻)”</p>

“when i met you,girl you got me shocked shit。”(我遇到你的时候你就让我大吃一惊)</p>

“tryna think back i was talking nonsense.(回想我刚才的胡说八道)”</p>

“god,i wit lollipop stick。(上帝,我多希望我是那根棒棒糖,)”</p>

“it iutiful t got me locked in(你甜美的微笑已经把我给牢牢锁定)”</p>

“this song iri boo(这首歌送给你我的嘉丽嘉丽宝贝)”</p>

“i konw i got an 8 maybe thi 2(我知道你刚才给我评了八分,或许因为这首歌你能给我加两分。)”</p>

“get you on a plane and fly to malibu,take you to the beacheke you to a zoo(想带你坐飞机去马里布,去那里的沙滩和那里的动物园)”</p>

“hold on,but wait, you did say i am poor(等下,你说过我没钱)?”</p>

“but i can buy you ton of lollipopts for sure.(但是宝贝我能向你保证我可以给你买很多棒棒糖)”</p>

“cuz thats the one thing i can afford(这个事情我还是能负担得起的)”</p>

“i will look into it more and more(我会想想办法做的更多)”</p>

“you prolly got a pool but i am different than the rest(你有一个泳池但我和其他人不一样)”</p>

“i know you gotta choose,now i hope i passed the test(我知道你有很多选择但是我希望我通过了考验)”</p>

“i wanna ask you something if you say yes(如果你同意我的追求的话我想问你一件事情)”</p>

“i swear i will never ever give you any less(我发誓今后永远不会让你受委屈)”</p>

“so kari,do you give me your number?(所以,嘉丽,你能给我电话号码吗)”</p>







看看这个嘉丽,刚才还在对着萧鹏一片敌意,现在一开口就是‘fk me’。</p>





看着萧鹏在看自己,嘉丽下意识的说了一句:“please fuck me !”</p>


嘉丽说完后也是一脸震惊:“what?”</p> 她也在震惊怎么自己说这么一句话!</p>

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